Update of HKID
Gender Marker

For details, please refer to the Immigration Department (ImmD)'s document:
Guideline on the application for change of sex entry on Hong Kong identity cards
Or at the FAQs on ImmD's website on Identity Cards:
Amendment of Registered Particulars of Hong Kong Identity Card
Q4. What procedures should be followed and what supporting documents should be submitted if I want to change the sex entry on my identity card?
Submission of Application for Amendment of Registered Particulars of Hong Kong Identity Card to the ImmD
If the application is made with Criteria 2, please submit the ImmD application form first, and then request the medical certificate on hormones and living with a doctor.
Follow up at private:
For your doctor to directly fill in or write a letter according to the
Annex 2 (Hong Kong doctor) or Annex 3 (doctor outside Hong Kong) of the Guideline of ImmD -
Follow up at public - Gender Identity Clinic at the Prince of Wales Hospital:
Request of Medical Certificate from the Gender Identity Clinic - Reference Guide
Receiving a confirmation email from the ImmD
(After around 4 weeks of submission of application form)
First visit of the ImmD
If the application is made with Criterion 2, one will also sign the declaration on Annex 1 by then.
Fee: HKD 460
Collection of a temporary HKID at the same session
For holders of HKSAR passport, please bring your current passport for update. Fee: HKD 460
For holders of Home Return Permit (Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents), please apply for a Certificate of Registered Particulars, with HKID 425. One may update the Home Return Permit with the at . Fee: HKD 590 (urgent: HKD 870)
Second visiting of the ImmD
(After around 4 weeks of the first visit)
Collection of the new HKID
Collection of the new passport