Update of HKID
Gender Marker
ImmD Application Form
Reference Guide

For details, please refer to ImmD's website:
Application for Amendment of Registered Particulars of Hong Kong Identity Card

Amendments Requested
5. Other amendment(s):
Updating my gender marker from (male/female) to (female/male)
Reasons for Amendment
Updating the gender marker to match how I live and my gender identity
Supporting Documents
Copy of HKID
Medical certificate of gender-affirming surgery(ies)
Medical certificate of gender-affirming surgery(ies)
Ask the surgeon to directly fill in or write a letter according to Annex 2 (Hong Kong doctor) or Annex 3 (doctor outside Hong Kong) according to the Guideline of ImmD; Or
Any doctor registered in Hong Kong may directly fill in or write a letter according to Annex 2 of the Guideline of ImmD. Please bring along relevant documents of your surgery(ies) to your doctor.